What’s Good Automation Test Tools?

Software testing is an essential yet time-consuming and expensive activity. Therefore, automation of any aspect of software test engineering can reduce testing time and, in the long run, reduce costs for the testing activity. Automation test tools help you reduce the feedback cycle and bring faster validation for phases in the development of your product.

It is especially useful because it helps you detect problems or bugs early during the development phase, increasing the team’s efficiency.

I. What is an Automation Test? 

Automation Testing or Test Automation is a software testing technique that performs using special automated testing software tools to execute a test case suite. On the contrary, Manual Testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer, carefully executing the test steps.

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The automation testing software can also enter test data into the System Under Test, compare expected and actual results, and generate detailed test reports. Software Test Automation demands considerable investments of money and resources.

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II. Why is the Automation Test needed these days?

1. Faster Feedback Cycle

Without test automation, feedback for newly developed features can take a while. Test automation helps you reduce the feedback cycle and bring faster validation for phases in the development of your product.

Test automation is especially useful because it helps you detect problems or bugs early during the development phase, increasing the team’s efficiency.

2. Reduced Business Expenses

When using an automated test environment, your company will save money as fewer resources are spent on testing your product. The idea is that you should not be doing any manual testing. Over the course of a whole project, this can make a big difference. 

Of course, installing and setting up an automated testing environment takes time and resources. Also, chances are that you’ll pay for a proper test automation tool that can assist you in creating a stable test automation environment.

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3. Reusability of Test Suite

At first, building your automated test suite is a challenge. However, once you have defined your suite, it’s very straightforward to reuse tests for other use cases or even other projects. The advantage is that you can easily hook up another project to your automated test suite.

You’ve already gained a thorough understanding of setting up an automated test suite and all related tools, such as the continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Therefore, you can easily replicate this knowledge to set up your test automation for a new project.

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4. Available Tools

  • Selenium

These are Selenium Grid, Selenium IDE, Selenium 1 (Selenium RC or Remote Control), and Selenium 2 (Selenium WebDriver). They offer different possibilities in terms of their use. Selenium also provides multi-browser support. Some of these browsers are Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. In addition, it provides support for multiple operating systems and different programming languages.

  • Protractor

This tool also provides WebDriver features like other platforms. In addition, multi-browser support is one of the important features. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, and Opera browsers are among the supported browsers. Protractor is a wrapper around WebDriverJS and supports behavior-driven development frameworks. Protractor is a Node.js program that supports test frameworks.

  • The Cucumber

The Cucumber tool supports different languages, such as Java.net and Ruby. This tool offers a different approach to the method of application and the language used. Test scenarios can be entered in plain text in English. Therefore, it does not require code information and provides ease of use. Unlike most test tools, it can help with E2E test scenarios. In addition, Cucumber can reuse the code with the code infrastructure it provides.

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Did you enjoy reading our article? If you have any questions about this article or request more related articles, feel free to contact TECHVIFY, and we will adapt your demand.

For your information, TECHVIFY Software can support your company by successfully applying automation testing for our previous clients, making us one of the experts in this field. So don’t mind sending us your email about your difficulties; we can sort this out together.

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