10 Best Cross-Browser Testing Tools You Can Use Right Now 

Cross-browser testing ensures websites and apps function correctly across various browsers and devices. Browsers and devices may display or operate code differently, causing issues like layout errors, broken features, and security risks. Cross-browser testing tools allow developers to spot and correct these problems before launch, guaranteeing a smooth user experience.  

A wide selection of cross-browser testing tools, including browser compatibility testing tools, are available, from basic screenshot tools to comprehensive cloud-based solutions. This guide will examine the top 10 cross-browser testing tools on the market, examining their features, limitations, costs, and supported platforms. 

I. Best Cross-Browser Testing Tools in 2024

1. TestGrid

TestGrid stands out as one of the premier tools for cross-browser testing by offering innovative solutions to developers’ and testers’ challenges. It offers a wide array of testing options for web and mobile applications, APIs, and performance, all on one platform. It enables scriptless, cloud-based, and on-premise testing through a unified system.   

A key feature of TestGrid is its AI-driven no-code automation, which produces Appium and Selenium code. This allows for faster, more efficient testing without deep coding knowledge. It also integrates with leading CI/CD and project management tools like Jira and Slack.   

tools for cross browser testing


Key Features: 

  • Cross-Browser Testing: TestGrid conducts tests across over 1,000 browsers and operating systems on Windows and Mac, covering both old and new iOS and Android browsers. 
  • AI-Based Codeless Testing: Utilizes AI for codeless automation, accelerating the end-to-end testing process. 
  • Automated Testing: Supports frameworks like Robot, Appium, and Selenium for simultaneous automated testing across various browsers and systems. 
  • Geolocation Testing: Offers GPS-based geolocation testing from different IP locations for compatibility checks. 
  • Developer Tools: Provides native debugging tools for all desktop and mobile browsers to streamline testing and debugging. 


  • Freemium: Free, limited to 200 minutes monthly in 2-minute sessions. 
  • Manual/Scriptless Automation: $25/month for 5 users and 1 parallel test. 
  • End-to-End Automation: Begins at $99/month for 5 users and 1 parallel test. 
  • Private Dedicated: $30/month for 5 users and 1 dedicated device. 
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for segregated enterprise teams. 

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2. HeadSpin

HeadSpin is versatile cross-browser testing software that allows teams to test, debug, and monitor web, mobile, audio, and video applications on real devices under actual user conditions worldwide. It offers access to a vast global device network, delivering real-time insights, performance tracking, and AI-based analysis of user experience, functionality, and app performance. The AI-enhanced analytics provide actionable feedback for improvement.  

browser compatibility testing tools


Key Features:  

  • Global Device Access: HeadSpin provides remote access to a wide range of real devices with genuine SIM cards, enabling testing on any app, anywhere. 
  • Bug Detection and Resolution: The tool improves visibility into performance issues, facilitating faster bug identification and fixing during cross-browser tests. 
  • Audio and Video Quality Testing: It supports audio quality testing across browsers for speech-enabled applications and streaming services. 
  • Easy Integration: HeadSpin integrates with existing workflows through APIs and plugins, automating results collection and issue tracking. 


HeadSpin offers tailored pricing plans. Interested parties should contact HeadSpin for a detailed quote.

3. BitBar

BitBar enables teams to test apps on real devices and browsers securely through a unified cloud platform. It offers a wide range of devices for testing, supports various frameworks, and allows parallel testing to improve test coverage and reduce time. Users can choose their preferred testing tools or integrate with TestComplete for easier access.  

cross browser testing software


Key Features:  

  • Live, Local, and Automated Testing: Supports testing on actual devices and browsers, including screenshot, video, and log capture. Offers automated parallel testing for any number of users and devices, with local testing options via SecureTunnel. 
  • Cloud Execution: Users can run tests on numerous real devices simultaneously by uploading tests to the cloud. 
  • Device Cloud: Access to a wide selection of devices and browsers. 


  • Live Testing: $42 per month for each parallel test, including unlimited testing time and users. 
  • BitBar Unlimited: At $188 per month for each parallel test, this plan includes one live and one automated parallel test, access to desktop/headless browsers, real mobile devices, and TestComplete for scripted tests. 
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for tailored solutions. 

4. LambdaTest

LambdaTest is the best cross-browser testing tool, which is cloud-based and designed for efficient cross-browser testing across various operating systems and browsers, supporting over 2,000 browsers. It facilitates automation testing, visual regression testing, responsive testing, and real-time browser testing without requiring extensive in-house infrastructure. The tool easily integrates with numerous CI/CD and project management tools and features advanced options like SmartUI Testing and HyperExecute.  

best cross browser testing tool


Key Features:  

  • Real-Time Cross-Browser Testing on 3,000+ Environments: Enables live testing on a vast range of desktop and mobile browsers with instant access to different browsers, versions, screen resolutions, and operating systems. 
  • Testing on Real Mobile and Desktop Browsers: Offers testing on actual devices across macOS, Windows, Android, and iOS versions, from the latest to legacy models. 
  • Integrated Native Dev Tools for Debugging: Each browser comes equipped with pre-installed native dev tools. 
  • Plugins and Extensions: Provides a WordPress plugin and Chrome Extension to enhance cross-browser testing and screenshot capabilities. 
  • Geolocation Testing: Allows testers to use geoIPs for software testing in various locations. 


  • Free: $0 per month for one parallel test. 
  • Live: Starts at $15 per month for one parallel test with unlimited real-time testing. The price varies based on the number of parallel tests. 
  • Real Device: Begins at $25 monthly for access to real mobile device testing with one parallel test. 
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing based on enterprise needs, starting at 25 parallel tests. 

5. TestingBot

TestingBot provides app and browser testing across over 5,100 browsers, including physical iOS and Android devices. With more than nine years in the field, it offers one of the earliest cloud-based Selenium, Appium, and Cypress Grids and constantly enhances its services. It enables parallel testing on real browsers and devices, helping developers release apps quicker, identify bugs sooner, and boost team productivity. 

top 10 cross browser testing tools


Key Features:  

  • Broad Testing Range: Supports thousands of desktop and mobile browsers, like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari (mobile), and Firefox. 
  • Supports Multiple Frameworks: Compatible with Selenium, Appium, Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright. Integrates with CI systems via plugins for Jenkins, Travis, TeamCity, and others. Provides test examples for major frameworks. 
  • Detailed Reports: Offers advanced reporting and analytics for comprehensive test results. 
  • Codeless Automation: Enables test runs at set intervals through Selenium IDE test uploads. 


  • Live: Starts at $20/month per user, includes unlimited live testing and screenshots on desktop and mobile. 
  • Automated: Begins at $50, includes 1,000 minutes of automated testing and 1 monthly parallel test. 
  • Automated Pro: Unlimited automation starting at $90/month with 1 parallel test. 
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for tailored solutions. 

6. Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is an automated testing tool that supports testing across different browsers. It can be used in the cloud or on-premises, enabling remote teams to work from anywhere. The platform offers pre-built templates, a library of test cases, keywords, and object repositories for easy, codeless testing. For more complex testing needs, it provides script extension and customization features, with coding skills adding value. Katalon also uses AI to improve object location and self-healing with XPath.  

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Katalon Studio

Key Features:  

  • Parallel execution 
  • Alerts and notifications 
  • API integration and data visualization 
  • Hierarchical view 
  • Parameterized testing 
  • Testing based on requirements and test management 


Katalon has three pricing tiers: free, premium, and ultimate. The cost varies depending on the number of users and product selection.

7. BrowserStack

BrowserStack is a cloud-based platform for cross-browser testing, conducting over two million daily tests across its 15 data centers worldwide. It serves over 50,000 customers, providing access to over 3,000 browsers and devices. It supports manual and automated testing for web and mobile applications, offering scalability. Its Real Device Cloud integrates with Selenium, Cypress, Appium, and Percy for effective testing, helping to achieve timely builds.  

tools for cross browser testing


This feature lets users perform various tests for comprehensive coverage and dependable outcomes. BrowserStack enhances testing efficiency through easy integration with various CI/CD tools and automation frameworks, making it a preferred choice for developers and QA teams focused on speed and precision.  

Key Features:  

  • Parallel Execution Support 
  • Data Visualization 
  • Hierarchical View 
  • Requirements-Based Testing 
  • Test Management 


  • Offers a free trial 
  • Plans start at $29/month for one concurrent session, extending up to $999/month for unlimited sessions. 

8. Virtuoso

Virtuoso is a sophisticated AI-powered tool that streamlines end-to-end (E2E) testing automation across browsers, operating systems, and devices. It simplifies creating functional tests using natural language, integrates API testing, and conducts visual regression tests for extensive, codeless E2E test coverage.  

browser compatibility testing tools


Designed for scalability, Virtuoso meets diverse testing needs while supporting team growth. It works with various browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, ensuring compatibility across versions. Its ability to execute tests in parallel boosts efficiency, offering reliable testing results.  

Key Features: 

  • Parallel execution 
  • Alerts/Notifications 
  • API integration 
  • Data visualization 
  • Parameterized testing 
  • Requirements-based testing 
  • Test management 


  • Free trial available. 
  • Plans start at $25/month for 50 concurrent minutes to $499/month for unlimited minutes.

9. Functionize

Functionize provides a cloud-based platform for cross-browser testing, enabling developers to assess their websites and apps on real devices under actual conditions. It features performance evaluation, network emulation, and integration with widely used development tools. The platform utilizes exclusive RF-compliant hardware and a custom USB hub to deliver clear data.  

It supports key tools like Appium, Selenium, and Appium Inspector, and is compatible with Charles Proxy, Xcode, Android Studio, Flutter, Cucumber, and more, facilitating testing and collaboration through Jira, Slack, and Jenkins.  

cross browser testing tools


Key Features:  

  • Parallel execution 
  • Alerts/notifications 
  • API integration 
  • Parameterized testing 
  • Requirements-based testing 


  • Offers a free trial 
  • Pricing ranges from $49/month for a single session to $999/month for unlimited sessions. 

10. TestingWhiz

TestingWhiz is a codeless automation testing tool designed for speed, accuracy, and adaptability in testing. It facilitates cross-browser automation testing to ensure the application functions correctly across different environments.  

The tool tests and verifies the application’s user interface without depending on the technology or source code, enabling efficient testing across various browsers, platforms, and operating system combinations. TestingWhiz allows for client-side browser testing on your setup and supports cross-browser testing in the cloud without extra infrastructure.   

best cross browser testing tool


Key Features:  

  • Parallel Execution Support 
  • Alerts/Notification Systems 
  • API Integration 
  • Data Visualization 
  • Hierarchical View Option 
  • Parameterized Testing 
  • Requirements-Based Testing 
  • Test Management 


  • Offers two types of licenses 
  • To get pricing details, users must select their preferred license type and fill out a form with their specific requirements. 

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II. Best Cross-Browser Testing Tips For You 

Focus on analyzing user analytics to pinpoint priority browsers and devices for initial testing. Automated tools boost testing speed and precision, yet testing on actual devices remains crucial for thorough accuracy. It’s vital to regularly update testing tools to accommodate new browser versions, devices, and OS updates.  

Streamlined Testing Strategies 

Determine and test the project’s target audience’s preferred browsers, devices, and OS first. Apply automated testing for efficient simulation and manual checks for comprehensive validation. Utilize cloud-based platforms for broader testing capabilities with less infrastructure need. Prioritize essential project functions for testing and incorporate user feedback from usability studies and beta tests.  

Addressing Common Challenges 

Automating cross-browser tests can be difficult, but choosing the right tools or platforms can facilitate efficient, automatic test setups. The vast array of browsers and their versions demands prioritizing certain ones based on the project’s audience, testing these first, and then using automation for the rest. Automated testing tools are recommended to keep up with frequent updates on devices, browsers, and OS. 

cross browser testing tools

Cross Browser Testing Tools

III. Choosing a Cross Browser Testing Tool: Key Points  

  • ROI Estimation  
    Estimate ROI by understanding project needs and performing a gap analysis with stakeholders. To enhance ROI, pick the tool that best fits these needs. 
  • Real Device Testing  
    Prefer tools that offer testing in real user conditions if in-house device testing is impractical due to cost.  
  • Cloud Platform  
    Opt for cloud-based platforms for their scalability and ability to facilitate simultaneous testing and collaboration.  
  • DevOps Integration  
    Ensure the tool integrates with DevOps to support continuous testing and seamless CI/CD pipeline creation.  
  • Compatibility  
    The tool should support extensive browser and device compatibility for effective testing.  
  • Ease of Use  
    Choose a tool with a straightforward interface to simplify the testing process.  
  • Security  
    Security is crucial; select a tool with robust security features, GDPR and SOC 2 compliance, and a strong continuity plan.  
  • Support  
    Ensure the tool comes with reliable support services for troubleshooting technical issues. 


Choosing the right cross-browser testing tool is vital for application performance across platforms. From TestGrid’s automation to HeadSpin’s device coverage, the right choice impacts project success. TECHVIFY offers expert testing services, providing the latest strategies and technologies to ensure applications perform seamlessly everywhere. Ready to elevate your project? Connect with TECHVIFY today and make excellence the standard for your applications across all browsers and devices. 



A cross-browser testing tool is software designed to test web applications or websites across multiple browsers to ensure consistent behavior and appearance. These tools help identify issues related to browser compatibility, allowing developers to address them before the product becomes publicly available. 

The best tool for cross-browser testing depends on your specific needs, including the range of browsers and devices you need to test, your budget, and whether you prefer cloud-based or on-premise solutions. Tools like Selenium, LambdaTest, and BrowserStack are highly regarded in the industry for their comprehensive testing capabilities. 

Yes, cross-browser testing can be performed manually by accessing the web application or website through different browsers and devices and checking for consistency in behavior and appearance. However, manual testing can be time-consuming and less comprehensive than using automated tools, especially for larger projects. 

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