Magento 1 vs. Magento 2:What’s the difference?

Magento development has no longer been a foreign tool for business in terms of E-Commerce. However, when it comes to choosing the Magento module, it can be quite confusing to non-professionals.

A module is a logical group that contains blocks, controllers, helpers, and models. Magento modules provide business features with supporting logic to your E-Commerce website. There are 2 modules: Magento 1 vs. Magento 2. Let’s find out the differences between these two with TECHVIFY Software.

1. Magento 1 vs. Magento 2: Technology

Compared to Magento 1 vs. Magento 2 has upgraded some new built-in technologies:

API Added Retroactively API is Core to the technology.
Legacy PHP PHP 5.6+ / 7.0 helps the platform to run much faster.
No Support for HTML5/CSS3 Native Support HTML5/CSS3 helps to simplify development and presents potential abilities.
No Front-end Library Ships with LESS
Weak Content Staging Advanced Content Staging
Sub-Par Search (SOLR) Elastic Search (Commerce Edition)
External PayPal In-Site PayPal Experience
Secure Bridge PCI Compliance Hosted Fields
Full Page Cache (EE) FPC (Commerce Edition)/Varnish
Severe DB Locking Issues Zero Table Locking (Checkout)
Decent Automated Tests Better Automated Tests
JS – Prototype JS – Jquery enhances the speed and quality of the code
Stale Admin Panel (Backoffice) Fresh New Design in Admin
No Data Grid Customizable Data Grid for Catalog
Admin Non-Responsive Responsive Admin Panel
Connect Store New “Marketplace”


2. Magento 2 vs. Magento 1 Performance

Magento 2 module has been updated and added more significant features that can support a growing E-Commerce website. These features allow businesses to get more traffic and offer a solution to cope with the increased demands of visitors:

Slower loading time, about 2-3 seconds/page Faster loading time, less than 1.5 seconds/page
Only capable of handling about 200 thousand page views/hour Can handle 10 million page views/hour.
Check out process requires six steps, which is 38% slower than Magento 2 The more comfortable, simpler, and faster two-step checkout process.
Have to register before checking out Checkout is available for guests without registration.
  Can automatically identify registered customers by email addresses.
As soon as each time a product is added to the cart, the system reloads the page Integrates the Ajax cart loading allowing users to see the purchased items quickly instead of waiting.

3. Magento 1 vs. 2: Dashboard

Compared to Magento 1 vs. 2 modules has a more responsive, user-friendly, and interactive dashboard. This simple but modern design offers better user experiences than the old messy one of the Magento 1 module. Thus, this new update also allows store owners to manage their E-Commerce stores more efficiently.

Magento 2 module dashboard gives you an overview of lifetime sales, average order amount, last orders, top search terms, most viewed products, new customers, etc. You can find the essential information in one place. In addition, you can also keep track of financial data to see the overall status of your business.

4. Magento 1 vs. 2: Security

Since the official support for Magento 1 module has ended, E-Commerce stores using this module are facing threats that target their vulnerabilities. Therefore, Magento 2 module developers have robust data security and stability to make amends for this problem. Consequently, Magento 2 module is now much safer than the older version.

The hashing algorithms (SHA-256) for passwords have been strengthened to minimize the risk of security threats. The passwords are now more resilient to the dictionary types of attacks.

5. Magento 1 vs. 2: Extensions

The extension development of The Magento 1 module used to take a lot of time and participation of a third-party. Thus, conflicts between Magento 1 extensions require manual adjustment, which costs time and effort.

On the other hand, Magento 2 module offer plugins that allow code to overlap core code rather than override it. This improvement helps the process become more straightforward and advanced. Thus, the frontend development and the functionality can be modified more easily too, thanks to HTML5, Less, require.js, and CSS3.

In short, it is obvious that Magento 2 is much better and up to date comparing to Magento 1.

It has fixed all the Magento 1 problems and offers more advanced features to level up your E-Commerce websites. TECHVIFY Software has a team of skilled Magento 2 developers who are dedicated to bringing you the best experience when developing your E-Commerce website.

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