Implement a Project Management Platform for a Construction Enterprise

About Client

The Client, headquartered in Hong Kong, was established in 2010. With a solid commitment to delivering exceptional quality construction projects, they have completed a multitude of commercial, residential, and infrastructure developments throughout the region.

As a forward-thinking company, the Client places great importance on staying at the forefront of industry trends and technologies. They continuously invest in research and development to adopt the latest construction methodologies and leverage cutting-edge tools and equipment. This dedication to innovation allows them to optimize project timelines, enhance construction quality, and improve overall project efficiency.


In their progress, the company wanted to integrate a project management platform into its operations. This platform aimed to minimize unnecessary paperwork, billing delays, and inefficient routines.

Data Customization and Transfer

The Client desired to integrate a feature that allows extensive customization capabilities for their project reports, empowering their staff. For instance, the ability to filter data by material, types of work, vacations, overtime, and more would greatly streamline the report generation process. Additionally, they needed to transfer data from an existing database to a new platform while ensuring its accuracy and validity.

User Role

The project management platform accommodates multiple user roles, including User, Manager, Company Admin, and Super Admin. Each position had specific abilities within the system. Implementing a flexible user role system required careful planning and consideration to ensure the platform’s functionality and security.


The Client recognized the need for flexible billing options based on company size and time worked. Implementing a billing system that could adapt to different project sizes and accurately track time worked presented a significant challenge.


Platform Development

Our team meticulously designed the time management platform to ensure it is intuitive and offers extensive sorting and filtering tools. With a clean user hierarchy and comprehensive workflow control, the platform provided users with seamless project management capabilities. For instance, the platform’s intuitive interface allowed project managers to easily track project progress, assign tasks, and generate reports with just a few clicks. Additionally, a customized billing system was responsible for meeting the construction company’s specific financial management needs, ensuring efficient and accurate financial tracking.

Mobile Application Integration

To enhance accessibility and convenience, we developed mobile applications that enabled users to access the platform’s features and functionalities, thus extending its reach beyond the web platform. Our experts continuously support and update mobile applications, ensuring a seamless user experience and incorporating the latest technological advancements.


We established a robust monitoring system to ensure the stability of the platform. By leveraging this data, our solution facilitated effective capacity planning and improved the overall reliability and performance of the platform.


Implementing the new platform had a transformative impact on the construction company. The platform, meticulously designed with intuitive features and extensive sorting and filtering tools, enabled the company to streamline its project management processes effectively. The customized billing system provided efficient and accurate financial tracking, ensuring better control over project costs.

Furthermore, the introduction of mobile applications provided convenience and accessibility for project teams on the go. Team members could easily access and update project information, collaborate in real-time, and stay connected with project progress, resulting in enhanced communication and better project coordination.

Technologies and Tools

  • PHP, Yii2, MySQL
  • Angular, Node.js
  • Java, Swift
  • AWS

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    If there is one outstanding factor deviating us from the other best professionals, it is our endeavor and responsibility that we contribute to every step of the project. We are pleased to assist your business from scratch to the end-to-end product. Please do not hesitate to tell us your idea.

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