7 Steps In The iOS App Development Process

iOS mobile app development is no longer an uncommon term in our daily, especially for business owners. Digitalization has urged enterprises to step up their game by developing iOS mobile apps that help to enhance user experiences of their services.

What is the process of developing an iOS app?

You can develop your smoothly run mobile apps on many platforms. However, these platforms are divided into 2 categories: native and cross-platform frameworks.

Native mobile app development is the development of apps that run on specific platforms such as Android, iOS, or Windows. The app demonstrates an extremely high level of performance. Native apps are very fast, efficient, and responsive because they are compiled using platforms’ core programming language and APIs.

On the other hand, cross-platform mobile app development is the development of software products or services for multiple platforms or software environments.

In this method, engineers and developers use various cross-platform mobile app development frameworks to design operating systems or environments.

With the development of mobile devices and various kinds of platforms, as well as the rapid growth of open-source technologies like Linux, more and more different kinds of cross-platform development have emerged robustly.

In the following article, TECHVIFY Vietnam will go into detail about step-by-step ios app development.

iOS App Development Process

Step #1: Planning

First, you have to visualize your idea for the mobile app. App ideas can be different depending on your target audience and the main purposes of this app. The possibilities of your potential ideas are countless.

After finalizing your idea, you should start planning on your mobile app’s requirements. To come up with a detailed plan, you can focus on these questions: What problems is your mobile app addressing? Who are the target users? What is the most important functionality?

Thus, have a thorough market analysis before starting your project. This will help you to keep up with the market’s trends and needs. Moreover, in this phase, enterprises should also clarify all requirements needed in the subsequent phases of app development.

Step #2: Design

This important phase lays the groundwork for the subsequent stages of developing an iOS mobile app. You will need to document your requirements for the design team. Then, they will start sketching out the development process with wireframes and blueprints.

In addition, UI and UX will also be determined during this step. It will decide the app’s interface and user experiences of your iOS mobile app. This is crucial because UI and UX should be visually appealing and run smoothly to ensure users’ commitment to your app.

Keep in mind that the app’s UI and UX should strictly comply with Apple’s specific guidelines to make this app useable.

Step #3: App architecture

App architecting is an important step because architecture is the backbone of your app. If the architecture is poor, you will not be able to go back and fix errors when they suddenly arise. The less code your app consists of, the fewer errors there will be.

Before the developers start writing code, they will ask you what you expect from your app regarding functions, features, and how you’re going to develop it in the future. These questions will help the development team come up with the most suitable solution to meet your requirements but still ensure the code is flexible and scalable.

Therefore, make sure you clear everything out before moving to the next step.

Step #4: Coding

Remember that Apple defines various developer rules. Therefore, to deliver a private and secure user experience for your end-user, iOS app developers need to incorporate the elements and best practices that are needed.

Business owners need legal protection to ensure transparent and effective cooperation to save themselves from ending up with an unqualified final product. Hence, you should sign a contract with the developing team to specify every stage of work and their responsibilities.

Step #5: Testing

In this phase, the iOS mobile app is thoroughly tested to make sure that the app won’t be rejected when submitted to the Apple Store. To make sure the mobile app meets Apple guidelines, the developers need to review the device for optimal performance, smooth user experience, debugging, optimum memory use, privacy, etc. Don’t rush through the process if you want users to have confidence in your app.

Step #6: Deployment

After being tested and reviewed by the development team, the app is now ready to be submitted to the App Store for subsequent review and approval. It may take a few days to a couple of weeks for Apple to get back to and approve your mobile application.

Step #7: Maintenance

The last step of iOS mobile app development is maintenance. This step takes place after deployment, including tracking the usage of devices through app analytics tools, assessing the performance through KPIs, and patching any technical and security bugs.

Thus, after being launched and used by several customers, the app needs to update functionality according to customer feedback and iOS requirements.

Discover more in our new articles about Android mobile app development: A complete guideline to Android app development


In conclusion, you can make this complicated iOS app development process much easier with the help of a professional developing team.

TECHVIFY Vietnam is an ideal choice for this job since we have experienced and skillful developers in this field. So don’t hesitate to contact us for professional technology consultants from our devoted development team. TECHVIFY Software has been selected among the Top App Development Companies by Designrush

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