Software Development Outsourcing Best Practices

As mentioned in many previous posts, outsource software development has yet proved itself as a “must afford” for your business growth from this time and into the future, since many strengths of these solutions have shown significant improvement over the years. The profits earned by big companies around the world are partially thanks to the tremendous help of software outsourcing vendors:

  • High-standard expertise and reliability
  • The cut-down fee on infrastructure and recruitment
  • The difference in the time zone that creates flexibility.

And many more!

However, we won’t be having any further discussion about software outsourcing benefits. We’re going to take a look at the software development outsourcing best practices that you have to be careful whenever you decide on choosing a partner for your business. These best practices are going to offer you results that can hardly ever imagine!

Partnership decision

Offshore development best practices

Choosing the right partner

The first one on the software development outsourcing best practices list is deciding a partner for your business. All you need to do is list down every possible option that you can probably get from any source, exclude those that don’t meet your demands and put a highlight on those who seem potential. After that try to dissect what they have in mind: how their models work, their methodologies, and experience. As well as looking for references and checking carefully if they understand your business needs.

This step determines all the process boards. Therefore, it has to be prior to the best practices list.

Focus on the work process.


Teamwork makes dreamwork.

The second on the list is always being active in the loop. It means you have to take a look at what the outsource development team has been doing so that you can be sure the process of work is at the right stage. Unless the team is good at working independently, it’s still a careful step to keep yourself up-to-date with whatever they’re doing. This would help you understand the issues that you’re having. Plus, this also means achieving the goal together along with the outsourcing team that you’re working with. This is where efficiency comes to business.

Read article: Top 10 IT Software Outsourcing Companies In Vietnam

Be clear.


Build up clear expectations for your work.

The third one on the best practices list is knowing what your expectation is. A lot of people come across as not knowing what to expect from an outsourced development team. Everything is wrapped up with words such as acceptable or good. If you expect to see the results that mismatch your expectation, you have to distinctively list down what you look forward to receiving: How the quality is going to be, what pace that you expect to deliver your product to a customer, how you want user’s experience to be during their usage, etc.

BOT model


BOT model

BOT stands for Build-Operate-Transfer. This model helps you with outsource your work while you spend your effort on the main business. Cost savings during the first stage of the development will significantly help you with optimizing the budget. Until the point when the product can create enough revenue, the team can’t be now transferred to an entity of your own.

Shared values


Sharing the values

Standing fifth on the outsourcing best practices is the encouragement in sharing values. Sometimes you may find it’s hard sharing the values you’ve got with the offshore team. Frustration is usually the consequence due to the differences in working styles. So, make sure both you and your partner have the same work culture or an identical approach to work.

Frequent communication


Communication is the key.

The last one on the list is communication. We all know how important this is when working with a team. The core is to understand what each other wants and from that build a relationship through collaborative activities. The process of work will be much easier than ever if teamwork is exposed.

So, what do you think about the software development outsourcing best practices list we’ve just given? Are these something you’re looking for?

If these are not enough, follow TECHVIFY for even more than what you’ve got today because we never stop sharing our knowledge with everyone. That’s just what we love doing!

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